A Message to Customers, Suppliers, and Business Partners During the Current Covid-19 Pandemic

A Message to Customers, Suppliers, and Business Partners During the Current Covid-19 Pandemic


Let me first say, I hope that you, your families and your communities are staying healthy and safe. Like all of you, we have had to maneuver around the impacts of this pandemic and the unprecedented resulting effects. I would like to assure you that we remain operational and continue to support cities, utilities and stakeholders globally to manage essential services. We are committed to ensuring business continuity while protecting our people.

At Anaergia, like at every other global and caring company, we take the health and safety of our employees and stakeholders very seriously. In the face of this pandemic, we have implemented procedures to safeguard our employees while continuing to best serve our clients. Although we are generally restricting air travel, our existing office professionals have successfully re-positioned to remote working environments. Those employees who work on-site have implemented strong precautionary measures, such as adjusted team sizes, stringent hygiene requirements, reducing the face-to-face meetings with third parties, closely following public health guidance issued by local governments in their areas, and ensuring that any flu-like symptoms or concerns are communicated and dealt with swiftly.

Despite these rules and difficult times, our work progresses, and our office work and meetings are efficiently handled electronically. Furthermore, since much of what we do is considered essential services, our manufacturing, project construction, plant operations and services are continuing to be performed under the applicable government authorizations. There are inevitably some impacts to projects, to suppliers and to business partners in view of the restrictions imposed by many countries around the world. We are firmly committed to overcome any potential impacts to our clients and will continue to work with all of you as efficiently as possible. While the way we work will change, our commitment to quality delivery and shared cooperation will not.

We are contactable in all usual ways and please do not hesitate to contact your regional relationship partner, to discuss work or wellbeing, or any other issues you wish to talk through.

We recognize that this may be a prolonged effort and want you to be fully aware of Anaergia’s commitment to help you navigate through these challenges and advance your business objectives. We extend our sincere thanks to our customers and employees worldwide for your ongoing support and loyal dedication during this challenging time. We are all in this together, and we will get through it together.


Warm regards and wishing you all the best,


Andrew Benedek

Chairman and CEO, Anaergia Inc.


Chat with us to discuss how we can work together to help communities, cities, industries to turn their waste into renewable fuel.